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Thursday, 28 February 2008

And so we begin...

Consider how concerned the young individuals of the UK today are about politics. You may reach the same conclusion as I did: most are either keen bean, know-it-alls (the people to whom “right winger” may mean something), or not bothered and simply haven’t a clue.

I fall into the latter category.

Almost utterly politically detached from the world around me, this is my attempt to connect with the wise.

Seeing as McNulty, Labour MP for Harrow East, is probably far too busy to blog about what he does, what decision he made a few seconds ago, which votes he gave etc, I will be his secretary and do it on his behalf.

Forget the ‘political talk’ of big words, posh talk and language which is difficult to understand, I will post the most relevant information straight from parliament (via the helping hand of, and from my own research) with McNulty in mind.

Maybe this could be an effective noise maker for mothers dropping their children to school, or even a blog overlooked because its considered ‘boring’ by a fellow politically detached person.

Inept in this world of “politics” I will try to inform the people whom McNulty’s decisions affect.

Doing this should mean that I have better knowledge of political issues.

Also, for those just as clueless as myself, the blog will be accessible via search engines so the true McNulty can be accessed from any home, school, college or organisation.

Recent, perhaps ‘hidden' information will be more readily available, and the ‘fish wrapper mentality’ – the idea that yesterday’s news is good enough for wrapping our fish in today, will be reduced.

I’ll be your personal servant, serving up your political news, hot off the parliament.

Sounds like a plan?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just watched you on Newsnight - you are clearly delusional. There is absolutely no doubt the number of pseudo quangos and thought police created by the Labour Government are an unsupportable drain on the public purse. Not only that, unlike the private sector they have gold plated pensions.
My friends student daughter recently worked in a local council over the summer as they were 'short staffed'. She was bored witless as she had nothing to do and the said council workers were complaining about how much work they had. These are typically overstaffed departments and staffed by lazy greedy people. There are too many of these people and they should be sacked, but, in the protected world of public sector, they are not.They would last minutes in the real world.
Of course, this does not apply to all public sector workers, but, it is far too prevalent. The last bastion of unionism mans the barriers to defend their poor performance and this is unacceptable.